Kentucky town helped by VFW Post 7263

Steve Bare, Capitola VFW Post 7263 - 9/8/2022

Full article here.

E Ky Car in Creek

This is an article written by comrade Steve Bare about the town of Hazard, in Eastern Kentucky that was recently ravaged by a flood.  Steve Bare visited this little Appalachian town in August 2022.  He delivered a relief check from Capitola VFW Post 7263 in the amount of $1100.00 to help the families there.  Jerry Shanks, Commander of Hazard Kentucky VFW Post 7387 accepted the relief check for the community.  VFW Post 7387 is a temporary flood relief center for the small town of Hazard and the surrounding area.


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Kentucky town helped by VFW Post 7263

Capitola Post 7263 sends relief check to help the flood ravaged community of Hazard, Kentucky.

District News

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Honoring our Posts & Auxiliaries

We have several VFW Posts & Auxiliaries that have reached or are reaching significant anniversaries. This article talks about all of our active Posts and Auxiliaries by years of service to District 12 Veterans!

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